#TTOT Solving Travel Annoyances
First off, please excuse the dreadful featured image. Everything I put together I didn’t like, so I had to pick the one that I didn’t like the least. Apart from that, do you really read posts just to stare at the title picture? Probably not, so moving along. I’ve finally decided to illustrate some of the brilliant ideas that crop up on #ttot each week. As you can probably tell from the few pictures here and the header, I’m pretty good at art.
So I’ll kick this off with the first question of the week. At a glance I don’t recall any totally amazing ideas. There were a whole bunch of good stories being shared, but I don’t really feel like I should be illustrating another travelers “misfortune”. Not too much anyway.
The wonderful first question came via @WildSumatra and was “What do you most regret missing out on due to some travel mishap?” Well all of us miss one thing or another, usually stuff like flights and day trips. Some people though, miss their sleep. That’s what happens when you end up crashing on an airport bench; believe me, I’ve been there and done it a few times now.
And just to make sure that this idea has the tiniest chance of gaining any traction, I’ve devised a prototype product image. It can’t hurt to try, right? As you can see in this picture the lucky traveler has already dozed off to sleep with his amazing backpack pillow.

The next brilliant invention actually already exists. The problem is that they’re underutilised and need to gain more recognition. You know how when you go bowling you’re required to put on those horrendous shoes? Well airports need to think along similar lines and devise a method of providing these shoes to all visitors. Personally, I would hand them out at customs and collect them at the boarding gate.
There is a reason for these shoes too. As you will probably know, when you’re at the airport people have an uncanny ability to lose all common sense. When queueing up at the gate, how many people decide to queue directly across the airport corridor, thus completely blocking access to the rest of the world who need to go further along to another gate? It really isn’t that difficult to queue along a wall, who hasn’t played snake on a mobile phone? It’s the same bloody thing!
Now, moving a person with their luggage when they’re firmly stood on the ground can be difficult. You could always ask nicely if they will move for you, but why go to all that trouble? After all, they’re blocking YOUR way. With these amazing new airport shoes, you can simply wheel the obstacles from your path and continue on your merry way to catch your flight! Genius.
There might be some issues with people moving back, or if the wheels on the shoes end up anything like those on airport trolleys there could be a bit of passenger rage going on. The idea is still pretty sound though if you ask me. I’ve even drawn up this excellent graphic to help show you exactly how this idea could be put into practice. Now all we need to do is start a petition! Who’s with me?

Any Brits reading this will undoubtedly know of one of our biggest downfalls on the international stage; expecting people to speak English. And when they don’t? Well we need to shout louder in English to make sure they understand!
On the subject of languages; in particular my fluency in English, American and Australian among others, the age old term “pants” decided to crop up. This is completely unrelated to the rest of the post but, as my secret is now out, I figured I aught to come clean. Yes, I’m actually a super hero.
And if you don’t believe it from my own twitter feed, then surely this authentic photograph will convince you otherwise. I didn’t even use any filters.

Until next time. 🙂