Giraffe on Cannock Chase

Hey. It’s been a while.

Yo! You might’ve been wondering where I’ve been and what I’ve been up to. Which exotic part of the world I’ve disappeared off grid to. That kind of thing. Well the truth is, I haven’t. I’ve probably got a bit of explaining to do but there’s no reason to drag this out. Maybe just a little.

I’ve been super busy. You might’ve read that as of January I’ve essentially been “unemployed” which ideally would free me up to do tons of photo editing and catching up. Truth be told, I’ve done a bit. You’ll be pleased to know that all of my beautiful pictures from Tasmania are now ready to be thrown into posts, and you’ll likely see them appearing on Pinterest soon enough.

Travel-wise, I’ve been looking at planning my next venture. That currently seems like it will be Cologne (Germany) in August. Extremely excited about it, I’ve wanted to go back to Germany and spend a bit of time exploring for as long as I can remember, but it also gives me an opportunity to meet up with a couple of friends that I’ve not seen for aaaaages.

Seems like I’ve been highly unproductive, doesn’t it?

I’ve taken a fair bit of time working on little things like the back end for Macrodyl (yes it’s a standard CMS, no it isn’t difficult, I just want to make it tidier!) and I’ve been tweaking my Photoshop and Lightroom skills. Trying to improve upon my general photography skills and picking up a few bits of languages. You know, all really useful travel stuff if you make it abroad. Which I haven’t.

There’re a whole bunch of cute animal pictures due to go online too. I ended up going on a day trip to Twycross to see them, and some of the pictures are fabulous. Since I’m such a nice guy, here’s one I edited yesterday.

It’s going to be a pretty busy month or 2 for me now. Hopefully I’ll be able to keep things ticking over here a bit better (in between writing this super huge super amazing article that’s due for release in about “a long time”) but with birthdays, weddings and all of the fluff that comes along with them coming up, I’m going to be a bit strapped for time.

Still, now you know what the craic is. I’ve not abandoned you, I’ve just been pooling resources to bombard you sooner or later. Sooner rather than later, actually.


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