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Putting a Language to use

First things first, Germany was awesome. Thanks for asking. I’m now safely back in the UK and that means its back to work and filling up my lunch breaks with the drafting, editing and writing of blog posts. It’s actually pretty good going. I’m here to tell you about how my use of German in Germany went (not even intermediate, damn I suck at it) and my amazing new plan which I’m going to be putting together and releasing to you guys really soon. It’ll at least make for an entertaining read, even if it doesn’t make much sense. But what is it? *oo000o00OooooOo00ooooo* (<– this is a ghost noise)

You might recall a post I made a while back (then again, you might not) regarding learning and using languages when you’re on the road. I’m a bit of a language butterfly if that’s a thing, and I got the chance to use some of my hard-earned knowledge during my last trip. Apart from the embarrassing moments when I substituted the German words I didn’t know, with the Swedish words that I did, I don’t think it went too badly!

But it’s pretty common knowledge that if you don’t use the language you’ll begin to forget it. Don’t get me wrong, it starts to come back to you when you put it to use again but that takes a bit of settling in first.

That brings to me to my genius master plan; I’ll be writing two versions to summarise my trip to Koeln. One in English and one in German. Lets see just how good my language skills have developed after that trip. Expect a ton of grammatical mistakes and misused words and all that lark. It should at least be interesting.

And to all of you German speakers out there, I apologise in advance for destroying your language with my attempt to write in it. I’ll definitely be open to any help and suggestions you might offer though! 🙂

If you decide to try out this daft idea on your own blog or social media, drop a comment with a link so the rest of us can come and check it out.

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